Grand theft auto vice city играть: Grand theft auto Vice City играть бесплатно

Игры GTA Vice City бесплатно, играть в ГТА Вайс Сити онлайн

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City является 4-ой по счету консольной и компьютерной игрой, принадлежащей серии GTA. Буквально за короткий промежуток времени она завоевала популярность среди геймеров во всем мире. Позже впустили версию  для компьютера и планшета, а к шестой годовщине игры, разработчики решили порадовать пользователей мобильных устройств на базе Андроид и iOS.

События в ГТА Вайс-Сити происходят в одном из американских городов, чем-то напоминающим Майами. Идея сюжета, отличный геймплей и графика послужили тому, что ГТА Вайс-Сити стала лидером продаж среди видеоигр в 2002 году.

История суровых времен



Вам предстоит окунуться в далекие 80-е года минувшего столетия в роли главного персонажа по имени Томми Версетти, который отсидел пятнадцать лет в тюрьме и только вышел на свободу. От своего босса он получает задание, где ему предстоит заняться контролированием сделки по продаже наркотиков. В результате все срывается, гибнет много людей, а от выжившего Томми босс требует вернуть товар и деньги. С этого момента и начинаются серьезные дела главного персонажа.

Со временем он осваивается в городке и начинает выполнять задания, которые ему поручают влиятельные люди. Заслужив авторитет в криминальном мире, Томми становится далеко не последним человеком, о чем узнает его бывший босс, который тут же начинает требовать долг и материальную компенсацию.. Версетти отказывается платить, и в результате после длительных кровавых разборок главный герой убивает бывшего босса и становится криминальной фигурой номер один в Вайс-Сити.

Игровой процесс

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City сочетает в себе сразу несколько жанров – экшн, шутер, автосимулятор и прочее. Главный персонаж, за которого вы выступаете, должен выполнять различные противозаконные и связанные с криминалом задания, которые выдают ему игровые персонажи. Большая часть миссий является заданиями от криминальных авторитетов, некоторые персонаж получает прямо на улице в телефонных будках. Кроме всего прочего для выполнения доступны и дополнительные задания – к примеру, добраться до указанного места и угнать определенное авто. Отметим, если взялись выполнять какое-то одно задание, то пока его не выполните (или провалите), другие будут не доступны.

Если вы находитесь вне автомобиля, то можете бегать, прыгать, а также стрелять и драться, но помните, что попав в воду персонаж тонет, так как не умеет плавать.

Окружающая среда позволяет персонажу свободно передвигаться и выбирать, чем он будет заниматься. Но для того чтобы достичь финала игры, нужно обязательно выполнять миссии.


Как и во всех предыдущих версиях, задания бывают сюжетными и побочными. Прохождение сюжетных миссий позволяет персонажу открывать новые районы в городе, однако не все из них обязательно нужно выполнять. При каждом успешном выполнении того или иного дела персонаж получает деньги, новое оружие или автомобиль.

Помимо основных заданий можно выполнять и второстепенные – угонять транспортные средства, участвовать в гонках на радиоуправляемых машинках, стрелять в тире, собирать чек-поинты и прочее.

GTA: Vice City

Легендарная игра GTA: Vice City – официальная четвертая часть проекта Grand Theft Auto. На сегодняшний день игра доступна как для консолей, так и для компьютеров. В качестве разработчика проекта выступили бессменные Rockstar North. Первая официальная презентация игры состоялась еще в 2002 году, тем не менее, по сегодняшний день она остается эталоном для подражания для многих современных разработчиков. Те геймеры, кого Вайс сити привлекла сразу после выходы на «свет белый», восхищаются ею по сей день. Молодые игроки также проявляют внимание к проекту.

GTA: Vice City рс – прекрасная игра, сделанная в жанре приключенческого экшна, включающая в себя некоторые элементы шутера от третьего лица. Явная отличительная черта линейки – прекрасно реализованный автомобильный симулятор – управлять машинами из игры – одно удовольствие. Простое и доступное управление игрой без труда могут освоить и взрослые, и дети. Новая часть проекта является логическим продолжением предшественников. Так же, как и когда-то (если вы, конечно, уже знакомы хотя бы с одной частью GTA), вам придется выполнять задания, идущие вразрез со словом закона и граничащие с криминалом. Получать задания вы будете от различных персонажей, встречающихся вам по ходу игрового процесса.

Для того чтобы игра началась, прежде всего, нужно будет GTA: Vice City скачать. Поскольку эта часть проекта уже по праву может считаться ветераном геймерского искусства, ее системным требованиям удовлетворяют абсолютно все современные компьютеры и ноутбуки. Войдя в игру, вы познакомитесь со старым новым городом под названием Вайс сити. Да, теперь вам придется в GTA: Vice City играть, путешествуя по просторам города годов эдак 80-х. По традиции, для вашего героя игра начинается с проблем. Вот-вот приедет Сонни Форелли, а одолженная у него когда-то сумма денег пока что даже и не начинала собираться.

Игра GTA: VC несколько видоизменилась по сравнению со своими предшественниками. Отдельные части города существенно увеличились. По крайней мере, выглядят они намного масштабнее, чем в полюбившемся геймерам Либерти Сити. Разработчиками также было принято решение и об изменении оружейного арсенала – в игре появились новые пистолеты, автоматы и несчётное количество разнообразных предметов хозяйственного инвентаря. 

В Grand Theft Auto: Vice City изменился и традиционный автопарк. По достоинству оценить нововведения смогут поклонники двухколесных транспортных средств – в проекте снова можно будет передвигаться на мопедах и мотоциклах, управление которыми заслуживает высшей похвалы. 

Ах да, чуть не забыли, теперь GTA поддерживает формат mp3, поэтому те, кому не хотелось бы дни и ночи напролет играть под «лихие 80-е», смогут создать собственный плейлист. Кроме того, разработчики сумели добавить в проект огромное количество мелких нововведений и улучшений, при этом сохранив сюжет и геймплей на должном уровне. Чтобы лично ознакомиться с особенностями игры, можно посмотреть к GTA: Vice City видео-трейлер.

Vice City (Последняя Версия) на ПК бесплатно

Grand Theft Auto: Vice City часть знаменитой серии. Приключения в жанре экшен, шутер от третьего лица. Этот выпуск продолжает традиции предыдущих частей. Все задания, получаются или от криминальных боссов, или из телефонных автоматов. Нелинейность сюжета дает свободу действий. Отличное сочетание жанров, желающие могут погонять на различны видах транспорта, настреляться из огромного разнопланового арсенала.

GTA Vice City история об бывшем заключенном, который после пятнадцати лет отсидки, не становится на путь исправления, а продолжает вести криминальный образ жизни. Протагонист с легкостью проваливает задание босса мафии и теперь должен огромную сумму денег, с этого начнутся ваши похождения. Авторы постарались внести ряд новшеств в игровой процесс, еще более разнообразив его. Изменения коснулись и графики, теперь картинка более реалистична и впечатляющая.

ГТА Вайс Сити не ставит жестких рамок, однако, для полного прохождения стоит открывать новые локации и выполнять определенные задания. Количество смертей не ограничено, однако советуем не злоупотреблять. Есть внутри игровые бонусы, аптечка, бронежилет, возможность дать полиции взятку. На данном сайте вас ждет оригинальная чистая версия Вай Сити.

Скачать игру ГТА Вай Сити (2003) новая версия на русском

На сайте всегда можно получить последние обновления на самую новую и последнюю версию игры, она же есть финальная. Для этого необходимо лишь скачать игру ГТА Вай Сити на русском на компьютер или ноутбук бесплатно и без регистрации и смс.

Актуальная версия как оригинал, только взломанный или в простонародье «крякнутый» без кода регистрации, но, сборка рабочая и стабильная, работает без интернета. Можно играть в «синглплеер», так называемая одиночная игра в оффлайн режиме. Без ключа запускать игру проще всего!

Поскольку игра с online мультиплеером, вы сможете играть в онлайн на пиратке по локальной сети. Кооператив не даст заскучать в интернете с друзьями.

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Все коды для Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

Во время игры или в меню паузы (клавиша Esc) вводите:

THUGSTOOLS — гангстерское оружие (набор оружия киллера-садиста) (3 место по мощности).

PROFESSIONALTOOLS — профессиональное оружие (профессиональные орудия убийства) (2 место по мощности).

NUTTERTOOLS — оружие (всё оружие для настоящего психа) (1 место по мощности).


ASPIRINE — полное здоровье (также можно «вылечить» пробитые шины и погасить горящее транспортное средство).

YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE — +2 к уровню Wanted Level.

LEAVEMEALONE — Wanted Level = 0 (вас никто не ищет).

APLEASANTDAY — ясная погода.

ALOVELYDAY — романтическая погода.

ABITDRIEG — облачная погода.



PANZER — получить Rhino (танк).

LIFEISPASSINGMEBY — ускорить время.

BIGBANG — взорвать близстоящие машины.

STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP — циклично меняет скин игрока.

FIGHTFIGHTFIGHT — пешеходы начинают драться.

NOBODYLIKESME — пешеходы атакуют вас.

OURGODGIVENRIGHTTOBEARARMS — у всех пешеходов есть оружие.

ONSPEED — ускорить игровой процесс.

BOOOOOORING — замедлить игровой процесс.

WHEELSAREALLINEED — от всех машин остаются только колеса.

COMEFLYWITHME — машины летают.


GREENLIGHT — все светофоры на зеленом.

MIAMITRAFFIC — агрессивное дорожное движение.

TRAVELINSTYLE — получить Bloodring Banger (летающую машину с Bloodring).

THELASTRIDE — получить Romero’s Hearse (гробовозку).

ROCKANDROLLCAR — получить Love Fist (лимузин).

RUBBISHCAR — получить Trashmaster (мусоровоз).

GETTHEREFAST — получить Sabre Turbo.

BETTERTHANWALKING — получить Caddy (гольф-машинку).

DEEPFRIEDMARSBARS — толстый персонаж.

PROGRAMMER — худой персонаж (прикольные руки).

LOOKLIKELANCE — скин — Lance Vance.


MYSONISALAWYER — скин — Ken Rosenberg (юрист).

ILOOKLIKEHILARY — скин — Hilary King.

ROCKANDROLLMAN — скин — певец из Love Fist 1.

WELOVEOURDICK — скин — певец из Love Fist 2.

ONEARMEDBANDIT — скин — Phil Cassidy (однорукий бандит).

IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY — скин — Sonny Forelli (мафиози).

FOXYLITTLETHING — скин — Mercedes Cortez (дочь мафиози).

GETTHEREQUICKLY — получить Bloodring Banger (старая гоночная машина).

GETTHEREVERYFASTINDEED — получить Hotring Racer (машина поновее).

GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST — получить Hotring Racer (раллийная машина).

FANNYMAGNET — женщины любят вас.

CERTAINDEATH — засунуть в зубы сигарету.

SEAWAYS — ездить с машиной по воде.

LOADSOFLITTLETHINGS — увеличить шины у спортивных машин.

AHAIRDRESSERSCAR — все машины — розовые.

IWANTITPAINTEDBLACK — все машины — черные.

GRIPISEVERYTHING — улучшенное управление машинами.

CHASESTAT — показать Media Level.

CHICKSWITHGUNS — банда Версетти превращается в девушек вооружённых автоматами M4.

AIRSHIP — возможность летать на лодках.

HOPINGIRL — ближайший прохожий садится к вам в машину.

Ещё СУЩЕСТВУЕТ код на деньги, но я его к сожалению не знаю 🙁

90000 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Download Game 90001 90002 Grand Theft Auto is one, if not the most successful video game franchises in the world. Everyone has played or at least heard of the series, for better or for worse. And while Grand Theft Auto V is one of the most successful games in the world, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is still one of the most popular titles in the series. 90003 90004 The key to success 90005 90002 The open-world mechanics in the GTA series is one of its most popular aspects.But not only it’s about the open world, but it’s also about the freedom it allows. The player can do anything they want whether it is to drive around town, explore the map, or maybe blowing cars up and escaping from the police. 90003 90002 Crazy car chases, action scenes, and even military level destruction. Grand Theft Auto: Vice City was one of the biggest upgrades for the series. Coming directly after Grand Theft Auto 3, this title took everything to the next level. 90003 90010 90002 In an ’80s setting, Rockstar brought us this amazing experience full of everything that made the’ 80s cool.The nightclubs, the sexy women, the music, the cars, and even the pizza. Every little detail screams the ’80s in this game. 90003 90002 It was a refreshing experience to see such an amazing story, with well-written characters and cool missions into a game that offers you all the freedom you could ask for. Even the voice acting was excellent in this title, the main character is voiced by Ray Liotta, the real Ray Liotta from Goodfellas! 90003 90015 90016 90002 90018 Download Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 90019 90003 90021 90022 System requirements: 90023 90024 90025 PC compatible 90026 90025 90028 Operating systems: 90029 Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7/2000 / Vista / WinXP 90026 90031 90032 90022 System requirements: 90023 90024 90025 PC compatible 90026 90025 90028 Operating systems: 90029 Windows 10 / Windows 8 / Windows 7/2000 / Vista / WinXP 90026 90031 90002 90018 Game Reviews 90019 90003 90002 Selling over six million copies and gaining huge acclaim for its open-ended shooting ‘n’ driving gameplay, Grand Theft Auto III could only be called a phenomenon.Developer DMA Design — recently renamed Rockstar North — has now created GTA: Vice City, a glorious celebration of kitsch ’80s culture replete with cool cars, sexy women, drug gangs and poodle rock. 90003 90049 90050 90002 Vice City follows the exploits of lead character Tommy Vercetti — voiced by Goodfellas actor Ray Liotta — as he begins his rise to the top of the criminal tree. There are far more vehicles than before, including the long-anticipated addition of motorcycles, which let you zip in and out of traffic and throw you off painfully if you crash.You can also steal various boats, remote-controlled vehicles and best-of-all, helicopters, which give you fantastic views of Vice City as well as allowing you to slice people up with the deadly spinning blades. 90003 90002 Vice City also manages to improve on the mission variety in GTA3, even adding indoor locations such as cheesy nightclubs. You’ll still be able to complete the taxi, police and ambulance missions of the previous game, along with the all-new pizza deliveries. Other highlights include a murderous rampage with a buggy on a golf course, protecting your crew in a Haitian drug deal and brutally carving through traitorous gang members with a chainsaw.Another smart addition is the taxi that waits outside a police station or hospital, always ready to take you back to the last mission if you’re busted or wasted. 90003 90055 90056 90002 Graphically, Rockstar has perfectly captured the 1986 Miami Vice look, with neon-lit buildings on streets lined with palm trees. Characters wear clothes from the period, so you’ll see pedestrians with Relax «T-shirts and gangsters sporting pastel shirts and white jackets with the sleeves rolled up. Add to that a magnificent collection of seven comedy radio stations playing more than 80 classic tunes from the period and you have an ultraviolent sequel that’s set to surpass the original in every way.In a word: fresh. 90003 90004 In Summary 90005 90002 After stealing cars, killing police and blowing up rival gangs in GTA III you’ve been festering in maximum security for a few years. Stupidly, the authorities believe you’ve been rehabilitated and let you back into Liberty City. Fearing reprisals, your boss Sonny Forelli sends you to Vice City, but it turns out to be a set-up. Penniless and on your own it’s time to start taking on new missions and generally tearing the place a new arsehole… 90003 90004 What’s The Big Deal? 90005 90002 GTA III is one of our favourite games of all time, not to mention killing off the argument about linear vs freeform games in a single stroke. It was both, with brilliant gameplay, anarchic humour and a vast city that appeared to live its own life. You can expect more of the same from Vice City, along with new vehicles, a larger playing area and some seriously whacked-out shirts. 90003 90002 It’s Easy To look back and laugh, but the ’80s were truly screwed.I remember watching the transformation of gay-bashing lager-swilling thugs into style icons with pink cardigans, no socks and, most disturbing of all, back-perms. They still fought and they still drank, they just looked like freaks, and if the blame can be pointed anywhere it’s got to be at the door of Miami Vice, an MTV-style cop show hybrid that made Jan Hammer a household name. 90003 90002 Undeniably cool, it was also slick and heavily stylised. One of the show’s rules was no bricks, no reds and no browns ‘, an edict ignored by game designers ever since.But with sunshine, drugs and alligators called Elvis in the mix, it seems like the perfect show to build a game around, and who better to do so than Rockstar Games? For the past six months they’ve been doing their research into the misguided glitz and glamour of the era (even going so far as to contact fan site for fashion tips), for a top-secret project now officially unveiled as Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. 90003 90071 90072 90002 Picking up where GTA III left off, you’ve just been released from maximum security, back onto the streets of Liberty City.Your boss, Sonny Forelli, thinks it’s best if you take a vacation and ships you down to Vice City, which Rockstar promises is going to be two and a half times bigger than Liberty City with three times as many pedestrians, inhabitable interiors such as shopping malls and nightclubs, and more than 100 vehicles (compared to the 40 you could jack in GTA III), with the introduction of motorbikes and roller-blading chicks. 90003 90002 It might sound like a party but unfortunately it turns out to be a set-up, leaving you homeless and penniless, and you’ll have to take on three times as many missions as you had to complete to get to the top of Liberty City.Luckily in-car entertainment is a big part of the game again, with around 10 hours of radio chat and music. You can expect to hear up to 90 licensed tracks from the ’80s, along with new spiel from the DJ chat kings, which is as good a reason to buy Wee City as the game itself. If you did not play the last game (there are a few of you out there, apparently) you’ll have to take our word for it that the radio talk shows are genuinely hilarious and actually prompted us to drive into a quiet lay- by just to have a listen.When was the last time a game made you laugh for the right reasons? 90003 90002 Of course the real question is when is the damn thing going to be released? Due to ship on PS2 in November, we’re convinced we’re not going to have to put up with the same sort of wait we had to endure for GTA3 .but do not expect to see it on the shelves this side of Christmas. 90003 90002 Mr Mister’s rock anthem Broken Wings is currently playing on an eternal loop inside my brain as I write this review. That’s the effect that Rockstar’s awesome 18-rated crim-sim has when you play it -total immersion in a believable city, set to a soundtrack of the best 1980s chart hits and cult classics.Put simply, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is one of the greatest videogames ever made, and now in another celebration of that decade of excess, us lucky PC gamers can play the definitive 12-inch remix version. Vice City basically takes what was so good about last year’s action blockbuster GTA III and improves it even more, doubling the size of the Liberty Citi playing area, introducing fantastic new vehicles handle differently, offering greater variety of missions an allowing you to buy and enter property and businesses.90003 90081 90082 90002 Much has been discussed already about Grand Theft Auto Ill’s open-plan design that offers players the freedom to express themselves in whatever violent / funny / nasty / silly ways they want, as well as completing missions for clients — Vice City expands on that tradition with even more mad stuff to do. Carjacking — dragging innocent people out of their vehicle and stealing it — was always the backbone of the series and now in addition to the new types of cars, tanks, buses, trucks, boats and planes, budding thieves can also take control of helicopters and motorbikes.90003 90004 Big Choppers 90005 90002 Helicopters are opened up to you after completing certain missions and are a real treat, allowing you to take off from your private helipad on the roof of your newly-acquired mansion and enjoy spectacular views of Vice City from the air. However, it’s more fun of course, to cause absolute mayhem, so we can highly recommend smashing them into random vehicles or landing them clumsily in the middle of crowded shopping centres, and watch as the fast-moving blades chop innocent shoppers into human pate.Hilarious. 90003 90002 Yep, the handling of all the vehicles is superb, but special mention has to be made of the new motorbikes and scooters, which feel just perfect when you’re screeching around corners and zig-zagging between other road users at frightening speed. You can cleverly move Tommy’s bodyweight on any twowheeler, so leaning back while accelerating pulls wheelies and tipping forward stands him up, plus you can also carry a weapon and shoot at people around you as well as carry passengers on the back during jobs — very cool .However, you now have to be wary of hitting anything, as you can be thrown violently off the bike and into the air, causing health damage when you and your passenger tumble along the tarmac and smack into buildings and vehicles. 90003 90004 Mission Incredible 90005 90002 As with GTA III, the way you earn more cash to buy ever more exotic and lethal weaponry — and now in Vice City, businesses and property — is to complete missions for various clients. Missions are triggered by looking at your map in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen, deciding which person you wish to work for and searching them out — a shimmering pinkish glow on — screen at a location signifying a cut-scene and a commission for a job.90003 90002 Missions begin with basic hoodlum stuff, such as roughing up jury members, but eventually lead onto jobs that include tricky multiple tasks such as luring policemen into a garage, stealing their clothes and infiltrating a gangland raid to set off explosives. Along the way you’ll meet dodgy characters like property magnate Avery Carrington, playboy and smuggler Colonel Juan Cortez, a Scottish rock group called Love Fist and dirty movie producer Steve Scott. 90003 90002 Each of the missions demonstrates Wee City’s great imagination and creativity when it comes to game design, meaning you really do not know what type of fun you’ll be having next.Highlights include a ‘Nam-styie first-person helicopter raid on an enemy’s house, a radio-controlled plane bombing run on some drug dealer’s boats, a manic chase around a golf course on golf carts and a Hell’s Angel-style motorbike race. 90003 90002 After completing a successful mission you’re rewarded with an immensely satisfying music sting and a lump of cash to stick under your mattress. As you increase your money stack, you can eventually start buying up property in Vice City for your own crooked little empire, investing in bigger and more extravagant bachelor pads, and businesses such as the strip joint Pole Position.90003 90002 Some properties — such as the Cherry Popper Ice Cream Company — end up being a front for a drugs business, where you can earn dosh by selling your special 99s to the public or by dropping by and collecting profits from the premises every few days. Other businesses, such as InterGlobal Films, unlock new missions and ways to increase your grip on the town — and include people such as «movie actress» Candy Suxxx, played in the game by real-life porn lady Jenna Jameson. 90003 90004 Tommy’s Guns 90005 90002 And that’s not all.Tommy can also enjoy the myriad of other side-missions and objectives in Vice City, including pizza delivery boy, taxi driver, ambulance driver, fireman and vigilante. To help achieve all these objectives, Vice City is packing more heat than ever, with a host of weaponry organised into categories, so you can only carry one of each type in your total cache of nine. 90003 90002 New weapons include the horrible chainsaw that rips through people splashing the screen with blood, and a samurai sword that can lop heads off with one sharp swish.You can again fire certain guns from vehicles (including bikes) for drive-by shootings, but in addition you can also now tactically hit targets through car windows and blast tyres sending vehicles careering out of control — a technique that’s used in the game by police with «stingers». 90003 90109 90110 90002 The GTA police force certainly has not mellowed since the last game — in fact, you have to be more vigilant of your «Wanted» rating, signified again by six stars in the top-right of the screen.As you commit crimes, the more stars you light up, the more aggressive the law enforcement officers will become. Get to three stars and they send the police helicopter after you — six stars, and the army will pay a visit in a tank. As in GTA III, if you get busted, you’re taken to the nearest police station and have all your weapons confiscated, before your dodgy lawyer has time to spring you from jail. 90003 90004 Naughty But Vice 90005 90002 Avoiding the authorities is almost a mini-game in itself.If you are frustrated and can not complete a mission, why not go on a good old-fashioned killing spree around the city for fun? Steal a motorbike, drive it into a crowd of people and smash it up. Buy an Uzi and start indiscriminately spraying the neighbourhoods with bullets, before stealing an ambulance when it arrives and squishing as many innocent roller-skaters as you can. 90003 90002 Vice City is literally bursting with laugh-out-loud surprises and genuine great gaming moments. You can search out the many areas for spectacular vehicle jumps again, as in the last GTA, complete with slo-mo camera angles and Insane Stunt Bonuses, plus there are 100 hidden packages to discover and psychopathic Rampage missions.Then there’s the dirt bike tracks, the different clothing for Tommy, the lap dances where you can watch girls jiggle about while your money goes down, as well as the old trick of picking up the naughty ladies of the night and heading to a secluded spot for a bit of the other. There’s just so much stuff in there — you’ll be playing Vice City for months as it has at least 50-60 hours of standard gameplay. 90003 90002 The Al of NPCs and other vehicles is sometimes a little suspect, with cops suddenly stopping looking for you and pedestrians jumping into the path of your vehicle in an apparent suicide attempt.However, it’s good enough to create a feeling of being in a large city and there are more random events now, so cars will beep at you, people can shout abuse or ask questions, gangland shootouts will suddenly break out and traffic accidents occur. 90003 90004 Picture Postcard 90005 90002 Rockstar has really polished the graphics in the PC version of Vice City, and although you’ll need a hefty machine for the best results, we had a 1280×960 setting (double the resolution of the PlayStation 2 version) with 50-60fps that looked stunning, with sunlight reflected realistically off cars, and a beautiful neon glow lit up buildings at night.There was some pop-up (cars appearing out of nowhere etc), and character animation is a little creaky, but this is being very picky — it’s akin to criticising The Beatles ‘White Album for having a bit of a plain cover. 90003 90002 Vice City provides a rich environment where you can indulge every dark fantasy you’ve ever had, as well as enjoying some of the best level design and genius mission ideas ever featured in a game. Rockstar obviously knows its pop culture — there are many references to other films and TV shows, especially Miami Vice and the classic 1980s movie Scarface (the Giorgio Moroder soundtrack of which has already been raided for GTA III, trivia fans).90003 90127 90002 As we’ve experienced two GTA games in two years, you can actually forget how daring the whole franchise is: bad language, police murders, prostitution, illegal narcotics, porno movies, bloody chainsaw killings, scathing social criticism, political corruption, the sanctioned destruction of innocent people’s property and possessions, and an amoral playable character. But after all that. Rockstar’s latest is just damn good fun and a must-buy even if you have GTA III. Vice City is a title that has defined a generation — a videogame that’s hugely entertaining and cool as f..k. 90003 90002 The Lights dim and Mr. Mister’s Broken Wings thumps into action as a man in a sharp suit plunges his flared nostrils into a pile of coke so big it would have cost Daniella Westbrook more than her septum. Cut to a couple of bouffanted blondes In pink skirts on roller skates, and back to Nice Guy Eddie explaining that he does not know who’s dead, who’s alive, who’s caught and who’s not. The action switches to more drugs, violent shootings, more roller skates and a few more lines of the finest Peruvian.90003 90002 If you asked most developers to name the inspiration behind their latest game, they’d go slightly red, look down at their feet and mutter something about a teacher back in school who gave them shelter in the computer labs from the bullies who made their lunchtimes hell. But this is different. This is Rockstar and I’m in their New York headquarters to check out how the latest game in the Grand Theft Auto series, Vice City, is coming along. Sometimes, life is sweet. 90003 90004 (I Just) Died In Your Arms 90005 90002 As is becoming the norm, Vice City has been out on PlayStation 2 since Christmas, but if you’ve got any sense you’ve kept yourself well away from it.I had to force myself into a quick three-hour razz around just so that I did not come across as a clueless tallywhacker in New York, but even that was enough to convince me there’s only one version of the game worth playing. Vice City might be identical in content between the two platforms, but visually they could not be further apart. The best analogy is pirate films. You can not wait for Star Wars 3 to hit the cinemas over here, so you buy a grainy DVD copy filmed from a digital camera perched in some obese American’s bulging crotch.And in doing so effectively ruin the experience you could’ve had if you’d been patient. 90003 90002 You might not think visuals are that important, but the revamped DX9 engine adds to the experience immeasurably. This is something I discovered as soon as the game was fired up on a huge presentation screen by Devin Winterbottom, Vice City’s product manager, leaving me struggling to maintain my cool in the face of one of the most stunning games I’ve ever seen. The official line on why the game gets released on PC after PS2 is that the developers have to go back in and buff the city up until it’s gleaming (though we suspect the truth might have something to do with a company called Sony, and the word ‘exclusive’).90003 90002 Either way, Devin looks as proud as any father clutching his newborn as he runs us through the visuals: «Oh yeah. The new engine is a definite evolution over GTA III. It’s all DX 9 stuff, and we’ve gone back in and re-done I all the textures, he says. 90003 90002 Switching from day to night, the game suddenly explodes in a mass of neon shop fronts and street lamps. Pedestrians ditch their swimmers for suits and smart party clobber. Standing in the middle of the road, an oncoming motorbike blinds me with its headlights.Dazzlingly bright at the core, the light diffuses round the edges creating an amazingly lifelike effect — the first of hundreds of subtle effects I was going to get unnaturally excited about as I played through the game on the enormous screen they had rigged up. 90003 90004 Kids In America 90005 90002 The next thing that grabbed me by the balls was the draw distance. Unlike the PS2 version, Vice City on the PC stretches almost to the horizon. If you can not see something clearly, it’s more likely that it’s your eyes that are defective.And to make the most out of all this, you can use your mouse to look around and take in every little nuance. Something Devin points to in highlighting differences between playing the game on either platform: When you’re a console gamer you’re always looking at what’s ahead of you. You never take the time to look around you, look behind you. 90003 90148 90149 90002 Which means you will not get to see some of the pedestrian antics the team has been lovingly slaving over. Antics made all the more amusing and convincing by Rockstar’s decision to motion capture the movements of professional stage actors.All the pedestrians have their own mannerisms, and things they do and say. And, where Grand Theft Auto III is like the dirtiest, worst place on earth, Vice City is like a sun-kissed vacation spot. The pedestrians reflect that, walking around in bathing suits, or roller skating in tight pink spandex and headbands. Right on cue, a skater who would not have looked out of place in the WWE in the mid ’80s tries to skate round us only to fall on his pert, pink arse. As he gingerly gets to his feet, the room dissolves in hysterical laughter, much as it would if we’d seen his slapstick fall in the real world.It’s great demoing the game, because the same thing never happens twice. 90003 90004 And The Beat Goes On 90005 90002 But the improvements in Vice City are not just cosmetic. Rockstar might not be giving Vice City full sequel status, but there’s enough new to make it a huge evolution from the last game. First off, where Liberty City might as well have been a cardboard film set, giving the appearance of a city without anywhere for you to go except the streets, Vice City lets you move around inside buildings, and even buy your own properties when you get enough cash.You can not go in any building you want (we presume they’re saving this for the online version of the game, when, or indeed, if, it comes to fruition — see the Gangbang boxout below for more info) but the various hotels, discos and shopping malls help extend the illusion of the city, and provide some pretty funky backdrops for the shady deals and gunfights you get into through the course of the game. 90003 90002 And this is no lazy add-on. The two entities co-exist, which means that although there’s a short loading time when you move from outside to indoors, everything carries on in the city as if you were still out there.So any pedestrians hanging around outside will still be there doing their thang when you come back out. And any cops on your tail might not give up the chase just because you’ve ducked inside a building — a quick peek out of the window should tell you if this is the case. 90003 90004 Automatic 90005 90002 The next tick on the checklist is the addition of new vehicles, most notably helicopters and motorbikes. There are six flyable helicopters in the game (plus a radio-controlled model), and although they take a bit of getting used to, they’re nowhere near as hard to fly as the Dodo from GTA III.You can land on secluded rooftops for an afternoon’s sniping, or use your blades to chop up a group of pensioners enjoying a round of golf. You’ll also see choppers if your wanted rating gets too high, though these will be the ones the SWAT teams sent to bring you in are abseiling down from — if you’re quick enough, a burst from your uzi or sniper shot to the pilot can take them down. 90003 90002 But the addition of motorbikes is an even more significant change to the way the game plays. Ranging from the ultratrendy, but ultimately ultra-slow Faggio scooter, up to the classic Hariey-types, the first thing you notice is how well they handle.You can pull wheelies (and fall off the back if you get a bit carried away, as I did), and do some serious damage to yourself if you crash, with your body flying through the air and coming down in a crunch of bone and tarmac. But the coolest thing is that you can also shoot while you’re riding, a feature that alters the skew of the previous game, enabling you to shoot left, right, or directly ahead. Other changes include the ability to shoot out tyres, causing vehicles to slew, or shoot through windscreens to take out the driver.Play it right and you can take the head off a driver with a well-aimed shot (yep, it’s more violent than GTA 3) and then watch in glee as the car crashes and the decapitated torso flops out. Sick? Sue me. Of course, all of this means that you’re not as safe as you used to be in a vehicle, as Devin was quick to point out. In GTA III, when you in a car you felt pretty invincible, but now cops can shoot your tyres out or turn on tyre spikes, so things are a bit tougher. 90003 90004 Running With The Night 90005 90002 In a less specific sense, Vice City seems to have more of an adult feel to it — not that there’s more unnecessary language or content.I might only have had five or so hours to get acquainted with the game, but right from the off you get the feeling Rockstar has been watching all the right films. In jail since Liberty City went tits up, you’ve been sent up to Vice City by the The Forelli brothers to scout out the new turf and see if you can start making money. The only problem is that within seconds of the game kicking off you’re involved in a drug deal that goes very sour. You lose the drugs, you lose the money, and your boss, Sonny Forelli, is not a happy chappy as you find out in one of the first cinematic cut-scenes.90003 90002 Tommy: We were set up. The deal was an ambush. 90003 90002 Sonny: You’d better be kidding me. Tell me you’ve still got the money. 90003 90002 Tommy: No Sonny, I do not have the money. 90003 90002 Sonny (turning a bit psychotic): That was my money Tommy. 90003 90002 Mine! Mine! You’d better not be screwing me Tommy, because you know I do not like to be screwed with. «90003 90002 Tommy: Hey Sonny. You’ve got my personal assurance I’m going to get you your money back. And the drugs.And I’ll mail you the dicks of those responsible. 90003 90002 Sonny: «Hey, I already know that. If it was anybody else you’d be dead already. But because it’s you, I’m going to let you handle this.» 90003 90002 A fairly typical exchange, but it took a while to click that this is the first time in a GTA game that you’ve heard your character (Tommy Vercetti, voiced by Ray Liotta) actually speak. One of the few criticisms we had about the last game was that your character was a bit of a dick, just moving from boss to boss, taking orders without displaying any personality.That’s all changed now, and you start the game as a playa — someone who commands respect and is well known throughout the criminal fraternity, all of whom you’re introduced to early on, Goodfellas-style. 90003 90184 90185 90004 And The Beat Goes On 90005 90002 As for the way the game plays, it’s Grand Theft Auto III, but buffed, polished and improved. The freeform nature and mission structure is the same, but using feedback from people like you, Rockstar has opted for bigger missions where you feel like you’re doing more than just taking something from A to B.90003 90002 The feedback we got from people about mission structure was that they liked the multi-tiered missions in GTA III, such as the Bomb The Base level, «says Devin. We wanted to do more of this in Vice City, so the missions are longer and more involving. » To illustrate, he launches into a mission which starts off with you on a roof, protecting a drug deal. When it inevitably goes wrong you have to jump on a bike and chase the gunman, firing and riding as you go. And what about bugs? The room falls silent for a moment, so I explain that Grand Theft Auto III suffered from the PC nightmare of having about 675,000 different combinations of hardware.We did not actually have any problems with the game, but going on the forums around the time of release a lot of you did. Devin replies candidly: We learnt from GTA III. We’re going to spend more time testing on as many different systems as we can. 90003 90002 And to the cries of ‘but it’s just more of the same’, I’d reply that when it’s this good, what’s the problem? In essence the game might be the same, but the improvements are real. It’s GTA III, polished to perfection and wrapped up in the same unique humour, a fantastic ’80s soundtrack (which gives instant lie to the claim that Rockstar is targeting children with its sick games), better visuals, new vehicles and weapons (including a chainsaw!) and a playing area that’s more than twice as large as Liberty City.Can you tell that I’m just a wee bit excited? 90003 90002 The follow up to one of the most popular console games of all time has finally hit the streets and there is happiness in videogame land like never before. Rockstar took the foundation of Grand Theft Auto III and expanded upon almost every facet of the game. For all of the GTA III junkies who thought they found videogame nirvana, Vice City will take you to a new level of euphoria. 90003 90196 90002 90198 Vice City 90199 manages to meld a great story, serious action, and limitless gameplay to produce one of the best games of all time.Trying to describe 90198 Vice City 90199 is a bit difficult because 90198 how 90199 you choose to play the game really revolves around the individual player. You can follow a very linear path and complete only the direct missions but in doing so, you will miss out on a majority of the game. One of the main aspects that make 90198 Vice City 90199 so great is the sense of freedom you have. You can drive around the city, listening to tunes on your favorite 80’s radio station, checking out the sites.You can jump in a taxi and make some extra cash driving people around. You can explore all of the hidden nooks and crannies looking for weapons or other secrets to help out on your missions. The choice is completely yours and how fun it is. 90003 90002 Rockstar easily could have half-assed this game and made it a straight port of GTA III dressed up in 80’s clothing and it would have sold through the roof, but thankfully, they thought better of it and put some time into making this game outshine its predecessor.The game never feels old or repetitive thanks to well thought out missions and story lines. GTA III suffered a bit from missions that felt redundant but that is not the case here. You will find yourself speeding off to the next mission area just to see what is coming next. 90003 90002 What would Grand Theft Auto be without vehicles? The inclusion of motorbikes, boats, planes and helicopters all add to the fun. I found myself looking for new vehicles to jack just so I could take them for a spin.The vehicle handling is another area where the game received some attention and while it still is not perfect, it is better. 90003 90211 90212 90213 90214 90002 My only complaint, albeit minor, was that the targeting system was difficult, particularly in a crowd. When things got frantic, locking on to your target could be a chore. Other than that, this game is so much fun you will have to pry yourself away from the TV just to go to bed. This review has only scratched the surface of the game so I invite all of the readers to use the reader review section to add their favorite (or least favorite) parts of the game.So if you will excuse me, I have a bus to steal and some pedestrians to run down. 90003 90002 A definite contender for the best game of the year, Grand Theft Auto: Vice City makes its appearance on the PC after much success on the PS2. Starting with a mob deal that goes wrong, you, Tommy Vercetti, are left as one of the few survivors. Needless to say your boss is less than thrilled to discover that you dropped the money behind but finds enough love in his heart to not kill you immediately.Looking to get back in his good graces and not end up with cement shoes as flotation devices, you set out to recover the cash and dish out some payback. 90003 90219 90002 90198 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 90199 is an adventure game with a heavy dose of action. Although it uses many of the gameplay aspects found in Grand Theft Auto 3, you will notice a number of improvements and new additions that clearly set it apart. Using the third person view primarily, you’ll still be able to explore levels, drive a number of vehicles, and use a variety of weapons.In addition, you’ll find the vehicles more numerous including motorcycles, boats, and helicopters, the levels significantly larger, and the story line more engrossing and well developed. 90003 90002 Other areas, although improved, still do not work quite right. The targeting system for instance is still difficult to use especially when multiple targets are present. The camera angle can be annoying as well, giving close views of walls and other things. Since the rest of the game is done well however, most will find these issues minor and will not distract from the game much.90003 90002 As for the graphics, they could have been better but are still above average. The hands that look like squash are distracting but there is enough detail in the rest of the game to look past it. They also get away with other minor graphical blemishes due to a great physics engine. Driving the various vehicles around town is a blast as they each handle differently, accurately portraying a sense of both weight and size that most games never achieve. Rounding out the experience, the audio is in a class of its own with an immense amount of music, great sound effects, and solid voice acting from actors like Ray Liotta.90003 90002 90198 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 90199 brings back the success of Grand Theft Auto III with enough new improvements to keep the game from feeling stale. Fans of the Grand Theft Auto series will not be disappointed as Rockstar Games once again combines mature themes with solid gameplay aspects for a highly entertaining and long lasting experience. 90003 .90000 Grand Theft Auto Vice City Download — GTA Vice City Download Free Game [PC] 90001 90002 90003 90002 90005 90006 Grand Theft Auto Vice City Download 90007 is the most exciting Action game. 90003 90002 One of the most popular games at the beginning of the twenty-first century is now available for download on our website. Grand Theft Auto Vice City probably knows everyone, it was for their time the best game in which almost everyone played. Even up to this day, eager users reach for this position to have a good time during the game.The action in 90010 Grand Theft Auto Vice City Download 90011 takes place in the 80s of the twentieth century and is located in a fictional city modeled after Miami. The game offers a large open world, after which we can move on foot or by vehicles and a lot of different tasks to do. 90006 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………. 90003 90014 Gameplay Grand Theft Auto Vice City PC 90015 90002 90010 Grand Theft Auto Vice City Download 90011 is another part of the extremely popular series of games about the criminal world, and literally, a kind of development of the previous part — Grand Theft Auto 3.The action takes place in the 80s of the twentieth century and is located in the new city of Vice City, to which Tom Vercetti (or player) is sent by Sonny Forelli to make «order» with local gangs, Cuban gangsters and corrupt cops. We can move around the city in a variety of ways. A dozen or so types of cars may come into our hands, some of which are known from GTA3, and some of them are completely new, such as the Chevrolet Corvette designed for sports enthusiasts. A new feature is the availability of motorbikes, motorboats and helicopters.Of course, we can also use an assortment of 30 weapons, ranging from the baton to the sapper and Uzi rifles. Our play is made possible by various radio stations broadcasting every kind of music, including rock, pop, techno, jazz and soul. 90003 90020 90021 ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………. 90014 System Requirements game Grand Theft Auto Vice City PC 90015 90024 90025 90010 CPU: 90011 Intel Core 2.4 GHz 90010 90006 90011 90031 90025 90010 RAM: 90011 2 GB RAM 90031 90025 90010 Graphics Card: 90011 Graphic Card 512 MB GeForce 8400 GTS or better 90031 90025 90010 Disk Space: 90011 8 GB HDD 90031 90025 90010 Internet 90011 90031 90025 90010 Game mode: 90011 single / multiplayer 90031 90052 90002 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………….90003 90014 Grand Theft Auto Vice City Download PC 90015 90002 Meet the missions that await you in the game Grand Theft Auto Vice City and do not get caught by the police. Move quickly through the streets of the legendary city. Remember to always be equipped with weapons because missions are waiting for you in which you will have to use them. 90010 Grand Theft Auto Vice City Download 90011 now from our website. Click on the installer and follow the instructions on the screen. Have fun. 90003 90002 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………….90003 90014 How to GTA City Download and install 90015 90002 Follow the instructions bellow — this is a very simple, fast and primarily free. 90003 90067 90025 Click the button above «Download» 90031 90025 You start the installer game Grand Theft Auto Vice City 90031 90025 Accept User License Agreement and choose path installation 90031 90025 The installer will download all necessary files. 90031 90025 During the download you need to activate your version of the game a special code — Download individual activation key 90031 90025 Enter the code in right place — will complete the download and install the game 90031 90025 PLAY! 90031 90082 90002 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………….90003 90014 Game Gallery Grand Theft Auto Vice City Download 90015 90002 90003 .90000 Grand Theft Auto: Vice City 90001 90002 For a game released October 27, 2002 Grand Theft Auto Vice City has stood the test of time and aged well. It’s one of the most iconic games in the entire series, and it laid the groundwork for future titles. The game has a riveting story line, but if you’re the type who just wants to cause mayhem, nothing will stop you. Vice City does a phenomenal job of making the game feel progressive. For example, the more you move throughout the story mode, the more islands you will unlock.Vice City has two major islands and six other lesser islands. Two of the smaller islands include Starfish island and Prawn island. 90003 90002 Setting and Story Mode 90003 90002 Grand Theft Auto Vice City takes place in тисяча дев’ятсот вісімдесят шість Miami, and you have a brilliant recreation of the city in the 1980s. What always strikes you about the Grand Theft Auto titles is how much depth Rockstar Games puts into their titles. To give you an idea about the total immersion approach the company takes, they have included more than 10 different radio stations, and they have an 11th radio station called Tape Deck included for the Xbox.The radio stations like K-chat have some of the most hilarious interviews you will ever find in a video game. The game goes in depth, and you can literally play this game for thousands of hours without ever touching the story mode. In fact, a lot of gamers do just that. 90003 90002 Sports Team 90003 90002 Vice City even includes its own sports team called the Vice City Mambas, and they have one known player called BJ Smith. It’s assumed throughout the game the Mambas play in Hyman Memorial Stadium located in Downtown Vice City.Most likely, Rockstar Games even based this sports team off of the Miami Dolphins. 90003 90002 The City Stays True to the Actual City 90003 90002 Following much of the same vibe you’d feel in Miami, Vice City transports you into the culture of 1986 south Florida, and you have a lot of the problems you’d have in regular Miami. For example, when you first start the game, Hurricane Hermione threatens to ravage one of the islands, which causes it to be locked. As you continue through the storyline; however, more of this sandbox world will be open to exploration.That’s one of the most satisfying things about the Grand Theft Auto series is how they not only give you a gigantic sandbox world, they also offer it in bits and parcels so that you actually appreciate it more. Like with the real Miami, you have the tropical climate where you have year-round sunshine, but you will also experience the occasional thunderstorms and rain. 90003 90002 Where Vice City Differs from San Andreas and Liberty City 90003 90002 Throughout the game, you will find Vice City stays true to the real Miami.Unlike in San Andreas and Liberty City, Vice City does not have a railway system. This is not because the game designers were lazy but because they wanted to capture the true essence of real Miami. For example, in real Miami, you can not dig more than 15 to 20 feet before hitting water, which is why there’s no subway system and Vice City does not have one either. 90003 90002 The Story in Vice City 90003 90002 Some people have said they’d rather cause mayhem than delve into the storyline, which is a shame.The plot starts you out as Tommy Vercetti, who voice acted by Ray Liotta. Tommy has just been released after serving a 15-year sentence behind bars for being framed for a gruesome crime by the Forelli family, the crime family he had previously worked for. They never thought the justice system would release him, and now he has been released. 90003 90002 Paid for Daredevil Tricks 90003 90002 Rockstar Games puts a unique spin on Grand Theft Auto Vice City where you can ride wheelies on motorcycles.Your score will be recorded, and you will be paid for how long you pulled it off. In addition, you can jump cars over the river from one island to the next. What makes this stunt interesting is how in Vice City, a screen saying, «Wasted» pops up as soon as you hit the water. You can not swim in Vice City, so if you do not make the jump, you die. 90003 90002 Another cool thing about the game is how you can own property throughout Vice City. For example, you could buy a safehouse in Downtown Vice City with a helicopter.If you have the cops chasing you, you can run to your safehouse, and you will lose the heat. Some properties will also become available to you as you beat the levels. For example, the Diaz Mansion can be found on Starfish Island, and after you beat Diaz in a gunfight, the mansion becomes Vercetti Estate. It’s an impressive mansion with pools, a hedge maze, and lavish terraces. There’s a small room in the basement where you can pick up a pump action shotgun, body armor, and an M4. You also have a speed boat in the back where you will do the occasional mission.90003 90002 Compelling Characters 90003 90002 Grand Theft Auto has always had interesting characters throughout the game. Vice City is known for quite a few eccentric characters from a shady, neurotic lawyer to a sociopathic Dominican drug dealer to the don of the Liberty City mafia, you will rub shoulders with the worst of Vice City’s criminal underworld as the story line continues. Betrayals and friendships gone sour capture the real criminal element in simulated form. The game gives you such a rich selection of interesting characters that it never gets boring to play.90003 90002 What sets Vice City apart from other games of the time was how deep it went into story mode. This is some of the deepest and most immersive gameplay you will encounter in a video game, and for the time, it was extraordinarily innovative. 90003 90002 Pros 90003 90038 90039 Huge sandbox world 90040 90039 Rich selection of characters 90040 90039 Perfectly captures the laidback culture in Miami 90040 90045 90002 Cons 90003 90038 90039 No save points throughout the missions making it harder 90040 90045 .90000 GTA Vice City — Grand Theft Auto 90001 90002 Within the action game franchise Grand Theft Auto, Vice City is one of the most acclaimed titles by its fans. To such an extent that this version that was launched on 2002 on Windows PC and video consoles has recently been remastered and published on Android and iPhone. 90003 90004 A GTA set in the eighties 90005 90002 Just in case you’re not too familiar with this game, it’s developed in a context very similar to the 80s ‘with all their aesthetic icons.Vice City is inspired by Miami and we’ll observe 90007 elements that will remind us of series and movies like Miami Vice or Scarface 90008. 90003 90010 90002 Earn yourself a reputation among the toughest criminals. 90003 90013 90002 During 90007 GTA Vice City — Grand Theft Auto 90008 we’ll be able to take on the role of Tom Vercetti, voiced over in the game by the actor Ray Liotta. He’s a renowned criminal belonging to one of the most feared mafia families of Liberty City, who has decided to expand his business towards the south.There, he’ll have to 90007 find his space among Latin gangs such as Colombians, Mexicans, and Cubans 90008, earning their respect by fulfilling the missions he’s entrusted. 90003 90010 90002 Improve your CV as a fearsome criminal in a world full of hairspray. 90003 90013 90004 Main features 90005 90026 90027 Sandbox type game. 90028 90027 Complete all sorts of missions and make yourself a name among criminals. 90028 90027 Enjoy a typical eighties atmosphere inspired by Miami.90028 90027 Explore a huge city with absolute freedom. 90028 90035 90002 The original game, despite being launched back in 2002 still has a 90007 large user community so it will not take you too long to find a guide for this GTA 90008 or cheats that will help you to get through the game, such as knowing where the balloons are or how to catch a helicopter when you need one. 90003 90004 A GTA Vice City MOD with new missions and improved graphics 90005 90002 For Grand Theft Auto Vice City we’ll also find a 90007 MOD with which we can make the graphics look much more realistic 90008, as well as coming across new missions for this GTA.Also known as New Vice City, you definitely need to give it a go if you enjoyed playing GTA Vice City Stories. Definitely, the best program to be able to customize the gameplay of this great title and increase its functions. 90003 90002 So, if you’re looking for a classic action game, full of fun and entertainment, do not miss out on the chance to play this 80s ‘version of Grand Theft Auto and continue to have fun with its new missions. 90003.